
Taking Away The Darkness

    The kids and I recently read in the book of Matthew 14. It shows Jesus feeding thousands with just a small amount of food. It’s one of my favorite stories in the Bible. So much can be learned from this one miracle. In Jesus’ hands, the insufficient becomes sufficient, the 5 loaves of bread become a feast as God is revealing to us who his Son really is. Through Jesus’ miracles we see what God has been doing all along from the day of creation; taking nothing and making it into everything. He is taking away the darkness or sin of the world, and replacing it with light and salvation. If you give God the small amount you have in terms of your life and resources, he is able to multiply them and use them greatly. Jesus himself shows us this.

Psalm 13 talks about having faith in not only the good times, but also in the bad.

Keep Praying: ‘Look on me and answer, O Lord my God. Give light to my eyes’ (v.3).

Keep Trusting: ‘But I trust in your unfailing love. I’ve thrown myself headlong into your arms’ (v.5)

Keep Rejoicing: ‘My heart rejoices in your salvation…. I’m celebrating your rescue’ (v.5)

And Keep Worshipping! ‘I will sing to the Lord, for he has been good to me’ (v.6).

Remember all that God has done for us. Praise Him!