
Let Your Light Shine

       To anyone who struggles with social media this post is for you. I have, in the past, wondered what role as a Christian I could play on such a seemingly harsh online environment. Many pull away from sharing the good news for fear of being judged or being seen as a hypocrite. Let me ask you this, where are many of our youth today? Where are much of our friends, neighbors and family? Yup, you know where I’m going with this, they are online. Everyone is glued to phones and devices. I am in no way condoning the behavior of always needing a device or smart phone for entertainment. In fact, I long for the days where phones were attached to the wall. When my friends and I talked face to face. Our kids will never know that. So the problem then arises. Should we follow the ways of the world? Should we leave social media all together? If it’s a platform for you for harsh debates, rude comments, bragging, gossiping and hating on others, then yes, you should not be on social media. We are in no way to conform to the world but that doesn’t mean we shy away from it either. Where did Jesus go when he went into the world? The dark, sad places. Guys, this is where we need to go. We need to be a light on social media and reach out to as many as we can! We need to lift up, love, encourage, pray and build others up. I challenge you, if you are on social media, to be a light for God. Walk where we are needed. Go and share the good news in any way that you can!

God bless you!


Here is a wonderful link to the Good Morning Girls ministry and their Romans Bible study. She shares an insightful video on being a  presence on social media. Check it out here. For more resources check out and follow Homeschooling With Heart on Facebook.